
Call for a free consult and ask about online counseling to see if it is right for you.

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
— Deepak Chopra

Do you feel trapped? Hemmed in? Do you find that the cycle continues even when you don’t want it to? Even when you have hurt those closest to you, you turn back to it again. Perhaps working diligently to keep your struggle hidden, a secret.

Impulsive behavior varies. It can look like alcohol, anger, closing off emotions, drugs, food, pornography, technology (ie. phone, internet, video gaming), work and others. The origin of the behavior may be rooted in something you don’t want to face. Your biggest barrier is shame. Uncovering the origin and healing that wound is critical.

For example, if that behavior is pornography maybe you were introduced early. Before you were old enough to drink, old enough to vote, or even old enough to drive a car. For many men they saw some form of pornography before hitting double digits in age. The early introduction to something so powerful in impactful. Especially given it was well before the human brain reaches full development. It is no wonder other problems arose. Problems like alcohol, anxiety, confusion, depression, and impulsive acting out. Your story could include being exposed to anger, emotional isolation, perfectionism, or more.

The key to unlocking your healing is connected to the wiring, or more accurately rewiring, of your brain. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and in instances addressing your body's attachment to chemicals released that make the act desirable, are key.

The more we value things, the less we value ourselves.
— Bruce Lee

We understand fully the challenge in taking that step. Especially in a world that is full of mixed messages about what a man is. What is natural or fine. You are not alone. You can call today for a private, free phone consult to see if counseling is what’s best for you. Ultimately the decision is yours. We are willing to walk shoulder to shoulder with you out of the darkness and into the light.

Some helpful resources included below and on our Resources page.

Discover the keys to a life of freedom through the STRIVE 21-Day Challenge! (FREE!)

Discover the keys to a life of freedom through the STRIVE 21-Day Challenge! (FREE!)

A podcast exploring the tough and necessary topics and questions related to pornography.

A podcast exploring the tough and necessary topics and questions related to pornography.

Establish healthy boundaries. Click to sign up today!

Establish healthy boundaries. Click to sign up today!

Learn more on how best to protect your whole family by clicking above.

Learn more on how best to protect your whole family by clicking above.

Providing individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography.

Providing individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography.

3 videos, each 2.5 mins long, exploring the effects of pornography.

3 videos, each 2.5 mins long, exploring the effects of pornography.

A powerful movie about the shame experienced. Click to watch the 3 min trailer.

A powerful movie about the shame experienced. Click to watch the 3 min trailer.

A well researched and science based response to pornography.

A well researched and science based response to pornography.

When pain is to be born, a little courage helps more than much knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much courage, and the least tincture of the love of God more than all.
— C.S. Lewis