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Embracing Our Cracks

Embracing Our Cracks

Several years ago I came across an intriguing art form, that holds tremendous insights. Kintsugi, or Kintsukuroi, is the centuries-old Japanese art of fixing broken pottery. The name poetically translates to, “golden joinery.” While it’s origins aren't entirely clear, historians believe that it dates back to the late 15th century. Kintsugi has long represented prevalent philosophical ideas.

All In!!!

All In!!!

I’m all in! Go big or go home! Leave everything on the field! It’s all or nothing! Any one of these phrases are common to us as men. Whether it was on the sports field, in our friend groups, or in our business life, it is about giving it everything you have. Going all out. Leaving no stone unturned. We see it routinely in present day on the gridiron. It occurs over and over in the World Series of Poker when a guy pushes his chips into the middle of the table and declares, “All in!”