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Failing to plan...is planning to fail

Failing to plan...is planning to fail

Some people grow wary of planning because it feels rigid, slow, and bureaucratic. For them, agility, freedom, flexibility is paramount. What if planning doesn’t have to be the enemy of being agile. Four approaches to planning, including how to adjust on the fly. Take a step toward success.

All In!!!

All In!!!

I’m all in! Go big or go home! Leave everything on the field! It’s all or nothing! Any one of these phrases are common to us as men. Whether it was on the sports field, in our friend groups, or in our business life, it is about giving it everything you have. Going all out. Leaving no stone unturned. We see it routinely in present day on the gridiron. It occurs over and over in the World Series of Poker when a guy pushes his chips into the middle of the table and declares, “All in!”